This compatibility update will work with the Eco Living expansion pack, but another update might be necessary to adjust things for the newly introduced content.Compatibility with the 1.63.133 game patch.Added the 'ww.dump_installed_animations' command to create the 'WW_Installed_Animations.txt' file.The 'WW_Installed_Animations.txt' file will not longer be created automatically.Verified compatibility with the Eco Living Expansion Pack.Fixed Fertility Test not working for some users.Fixed Sims menstrual bleeding when at work/school.Fixed persistence of some Sim-specific auto-use settings.Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Supported Game Versions:ġ.60.54, 1.61.15, 1.62.67, 1.63.136, 1.64.84 Make sure to remove old mod files before installation!